Hello and welcome. Hope you enjoy the images I have posted. Please do not reproduce them without my permission. Most are available as note/greeting cards or as prints/enlargements. Thank you for visiting my site and your comments.
Many have asked about the Header image above, which I named 'Eerie Genny'. It was originally shot with film [taken on the shore of the Genesee River near the Univ. of Rochester]. During the darkroom development, I flashed a light above the tray. The process, known as 'solarization', produces eerie, ghostlike effects; some have mistaken this image as an infra-red photo. Some 35+ years later, I scanned and digitized the print, and did a little modern day editing, and, voila.
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Many have asked about the Header image above, which I named 'Eerie Genny'. It was originally shot with film [taken on the shore of the Genesee River near the Univ. of Rochester]. During the darkroom development, I flashed a light above the tray. The process, known as 'solarization', produces eerie, ghostlike effects; some have mistaken this image as an infra-red photo. Some 35+ years later, I scanned and digitized the print, and did a little modern day editing, and, voila.
« I confirm the subscription of this blog to the Paperblog service under the username shattman ».
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Petunias [Today's Flowers]
Sunday's flower market never ceases to please. I wandered into a sea of petunias and did not know which way to turn and shoot -- "a monkey with a camera could have gotten a good pic' -- lol --
Friday, July 22, 2011
Diablo [Macro Flowers Saturday]
This is one interesting plant -- makes me think of a Buckminster Fuller 'whatchmacallit'-- [geodesic dome]. I apologize for not paying greater attention to getting a better depth of field; that would have given a 'knock your socks off' shot. Anyway, it grows in our side and front gardens, so I'll get it next year.
Friday, July 15, 2011
St. John's Wort [Macro Flowers Saturday]
I love these flowers with their dense growth of stamen. The bees are always busily flitting from one flower to the other -- sometimes making mowing around them an adventure.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Up, up, up and away [Sky Watch Friday]
The title of this may bring to mind [to people of my generation] the radio broadcasts of Superman -- be that as it may, it is fitting for a gas balloon rally. It's nice to look at this and remember that we get beautiful blue skies in upstate NY-- I am hopelessly behind in keeping up with the blogs of others; I apologize for not being more attentive, but cannot promise doing better ---lol-- Go USA Women's Soccer [aka Football]!!!!!!
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Rose [Macro Flowers Saturday]
My wife's rose bush continues to go through blooms -- I never tire of their beauty and fragrance [sort of like Rosemarie].
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Erie Canal at Schoen Place [Sky Watch Friday]
Schoen Place [irritatingly pronounced Shown Place] on the Erie Canal in Fairport, NY [a suburb of Rochester] boasts some lovely promenades, restaurants, shops and boat rides. From the bridge over the canal, one can catch some interesting moonrises. I regret having left this one prematurely, as the moon and light reflections against the darkening sky/water became more intense. The coloration on the building in the top panel was due to the last of the sunset [at our backs].
Monday, July 4, 2011
Spring Window [Today's Flowers]
Can it be that being named Rosemarie, my wife has a 'green thumb'? In any event, she manages to keep her geraniums flowering year-round. This view is through our dining room window, enhanced by the bloom of the magnolia tree. A winter shot will follow next week.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Patriotism and the 4th of July & The Letter F [Sunday Stills]
Well, here is a true two-fer. During our excursion to Sodus Point [about 30 mi. east of Rochester] today, I saw this wonderful porch bedecked with flags. Perfect, I can use it for the patriotic and/or letter F challenges --- Happy 4th of July all.
Friday, July 1, 2011
Daffodil [Macro Flowers Saturday]
This daffodil was not among the host that William Wordsworth saw, but it still could inspire a poem!
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