Hello and welcome. Hope you enjoy the images I have posted. Please do not reproduce them without my permission. Most are available as note/greeting cards or as prints/enlargements. Thank you for visiting my site and your comments.
Many have asked about the Header image above, which I named 'Eerie Genny'. It was originally shot with film [taken on the shore of the Genesee River near the Univ. of Rochester]. During the darkroom development, I flashed a light above the tray. The process, known as 'solarization', produces eerie, ghostlike effects; some have mistaken this image as an infra-red photo. Some 35+ years later, I scanned and digitized the print, and did a little modern day editing, and, voila.
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Many have asked about the Header image above, which I named 'Eerie Genny'. It was originally shot with film [taken on the shore of the Genesee River near the Univ. of Rochester]. During the darkroom development, I flashed a light above the tray. The process, known as 'solarization', produces eerie, ghostlike effects; some have mistaken this image as an infra-red photo. Some 35+ years later, I scanned and digitized the print, and did a little modern day editing, and, voila.
« I confirm the subscription of this blog to the Paperblog service under the username shattman ».
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Trees [Sundays Stills]
This was shot along the south rim of the Grand Canyon earlier this fall. What caught my eye was the bizarre bending of the trunk. For anyone who has been to Taormina, Sicily, you will immediate notice the resemblance to the shape of the statue in the main town square.
This was also shot along the Grand Canyon's south rim. Even a dead tree can be beautiful!
This spectacular tree belongs to my neighbor. One does not always have to drive for hours to find beautiful fall colors around Rochester.
This ancient oak is in San Antonio, Texas, in the vicinity of the Alamo. The boughs are huge and in need of artificial support to keep them from crashing down. In retrospect, I probably should have taken multiple shots and 'stitched' them together into a panorama -- but, then again, I did not have a tripod along. Still, the single shot conveys the grandeur of this 'mighty oak'.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Winter Sky [Sky Watch Friday]
For those who experience snow in winter, it is especially nice to get out shortly after a snowfall. If the temperature remains low enough and the winds are calm [or non-existent], then the accumulated white stuff [looks like cotton] offers many photo-ops. These two photos are of our magnolia tree -- I'll post an image in the Spring when the flowers bloom.
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Textures [Sunday Stills]
As of late, I have become (re)drawn to B & W images. This shot of a thick rope wound around a wooden post was not much of an image when it was in color. For me, it was transformed into something interesting after its conversion, as the textures became prominent.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Old Glory [Sky Watch Friday]
This 'minimalist' photo was shot outside a trading post in south-central Arizona. The wind-whipped flag stood out beautifully against the clear blue morning sky [somewhat darkened by the polarizing filter]. This image is sort of a imetaphor for our space exploration program. A 'grounded' Old Glory [atop the trading post roof] is waving to the moon, reminding it that we put a man there.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Mission San Jose, Austin TX [Sky Watch Friday]
Mission San Jose is one of several missions located in Austin, TX. I found it to be the most interesting one architecturally and esthetically speaking. It has been photographed many times and from many vantage points -- but, I think I may have found a view that is different. The red flowers set in among the heavy stones, and the overlapping [different style] arches against the blue sky make this a most appealing image for me.
Friday, February 3, 2012
Rush Rhees Library [Sky Watch Friday]
Contrary to popular belief, the sky is not always gray in Rochester during the winter. I was crossing the University quad, on my way to the pool, I had to stop and admire the Rush Rhees Library tower against the crisp, blue sky. Here was an opportunity to try out the camera in my new smart phone. Yes, a cell phone pic --- Well, not high art, but still a rewarding image. [BTW -- haven't seen too much blue sky since this shot--lol].
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