I’ve begun playing around with deliberately moving the camera during shooting in order to deliberately generate blur effects. In this regard, there are several possible approaches: at the time of shutter release, one can move the camera vertically or horizontally or in a circular motion, or while zooming in/out. Each option produces a different and distinctive effect. In all cases, however, the exposure time [shutter speed] must be sufficient to keep the shutter open a long enough time. So, one has to experiment with settings for ISO, f-stop and exposure time The example below was shot several years ago [1 sec, f/5.6 and ISO 200]; it may be that I did not even intentionally try to get the blur; but, hand-held for 1 sec did the job. I include this image because it is the only one having something genuinely orange in color.
I will be taking a break for several weeks...see you later in January.