Hello and welcome. Hope you enjoy the images I have posted. Please do not reproduce them without my permission. Most are available as note/greeting cards or as prints/enlargements. Thank you for visiting my site and your comments.
Many have asked about the Header image above, which I named 'Eerie Genny'. It was originally shot with film [taken on the shore of the Genesee River near the Univ. of Rochester]. During the darkroom development, I flashed a light above the tray. The process, known as 'solarization', produces eerie, ghostlike effects; some have mistaken this image as an infra-red photo. Some 35+ years later, I scanned and digitized the print, and did a little modern day editing, and, voila.
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Many have asked about the Header image above, which I named 'Eerie Genny'. It was originally shot with film [taken on the shore of the Genesee River near the Univ. of Rochester]. During the darkroom development, I flashed a light above the tray. The process, known as 'solarization', produces eerie, ghostlike effects; some have mistaken this image as an infra-red photo. Some 35+ years later, I scanned and digitized the print, and did a little modern day editing, and, voila.
« I confirm the subscription of this blog to the Paperblog service under the username shattman ».
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Cityscape Reflections [Sky Watch Friday]
Hard to believe another week has flown by. Here is an image I've been meaning to post for many a moon. On a city walk/photo shoot in Rochester, I was fortunate to come across this group of windows that reflected different portions of the sky and buildings. It was a no brainer that I was looking at something worth shooting -- the interesting part was getting it composed right. I think I got it -- this was taken with my trusty Kodak point and shoot.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Firemen Memorial @ Mt. Hope Cemetery [Sky Watch Friday]
Before commenting on this photo, I just want to say it's hard to believe that more than two months have passed since my last posting. I was simply pre-occupied with lots of other stuff and inertia set in. So, I don't imagine that I will have the same passion/dedication here as before. It is what it is --- Anyway, this image was taken in the Mt. Hope Cemetery, which is Rochester's most famous burial place [containing such dignitaries as Susan B. Anthony and Frederick Douglas]. The statue is dedicated to all the local firemen who have passed on, many dying in the line of duty. The cemetery covers a huge area and offers many photo opportunities, especially in the right light.
Friday, October 7, 2011
Opening Day at the MAC Pool [Sky Watch Friday]
Well, there isn't much sky to discern, but that's part of the the charm of this shot. The Midtown Athletic Club pool opened at 6:30 A.M. on April 1, 2011. The temperature was 45 F, but the water temperature was 81 F, hence the 'steamy' appearance. About a dozen or so brave souls [or nut-cases] were on hand to inaugurate the swim season-- the pool will remain open 'til the end of Nov. Helluva year!!!
Monday, October 3, 2011
Bleeding Hearts [Today's Flowers]
There is something about this flower that I find irresistible. They are eye-catching, yet seemingly always too close to the ground to get in on, not to mention that they grow up-side down--lol
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Day Lily & Rain Drops [Sunday Stills]
It seems like we are frequently going somewhere during a rain shower. That being the case, why not take advantage of what Mother Nature has to offer. I'm not sure what the dark berries(?) are, but they offer a nice balance to the lilies.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Jackson Square, 'Nawlins' [Sky Watch Friday]
The rain and clouds couldn't dampen our spirits as we strolled through New Orleans' Jackson Square. The week we spent there last Fall was one of our nicer [domestic] vacations. The French Quarter was virtually unscathed by Hurricane Katrina, so we took the opportunity to pay homage to 'Nawlins'. Lots to see, eat and hear there!!!
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Butterfly Meets Flowers [Today's Flowers]
This was one busy butterfly -- still, I caught it flitting about. Considering that it was fairly windy at the time, I was lucky to have avoided motion blur--
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Rochester Skyline from Cobbs Hill [Sky Watch Friday]
Last week we had one day of the most amazing clouds. It dawned on me in mid to late afternoon to get off my duff and get my camera. I guessed right that the sky over the city would be most picturesque from atop Cobbs Hill, the highest point in the surrounding area. Although several miles from downtown, the telephoto lens brought the cityscape close enough. The polarizing filter was dialed in nicely --
Friday, September 16, 2011
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Aruba Sunset & Divi Tree [Sky Watch Friday]
Aruba is one of our favorite vacation spots. Beautiful beaches, lovely sunsets, fine restaurants and friendly people. One of the distinctive features on the landscape is the divi tree, supposedly bent under the influence of the constant trade winds -- whatever--- but, sure is nice to photograph!
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
The Passenger
I thought I'd depart from my macro-floral and color shots and post something different. Before commenting on this image, I apologize both for my lack of due diligence in following and in posting to my usual sites. A little 'burn out' --- Back to point. This image was originally on a Kodachrome slide [shot in 1982] shot when I was traveling from Edinburgh to Nethybridge, Scotland by train. Diagonally across the aisle sat this lady with a marvelously photogenic face; she gazed pensively out the window [which provided superb side-lighting] unaware of my presence. I took just one shot with my Canon F1. Weeks later the developed slides came back and I was quite pleased with the result. Some thirty years later, after scanning and digitizing many of those old slides, I resurrected this image [actually quite nice in color]. But, I thought it would also lend itself to B & W, so I made the conversion. I hope you enjot it as much as I do -- such amazing character in this expression. So many different stories can be conjured up about what she is thinking about!!!
Friday, September 2, 2011
Tulips: up close and personal [Macro Flowers Saturday]
Something about getting inside a flower that I find fascinating. These two image were taken with my trusty old Canon point and shoot.
Sunset on the Erie Canal [Sky Watch Friday]
This sunset was shot from the other side of the bridge at Schoen Place, shortly before the moonrise pics [scroll down a few spaces]. What is unique, for me, is that this image represents my first foray into the world of HDR. It may sound mystical, but it was deceptively simple. I used three shots [bracketed by two f-stops] and fed them into the software -- Dynamic Phototo HDR [only $54] -- This is one of the resulting images. Cool beans! So, if I can do it, it can't be too difficult'
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Petunias [Today's Flowers]
Sunday's flower market never ceases to please. I wandered into a sea of petunias and did not know which way to turn and shoot -- "a monkey with a camera could have gotten a good pic' -- lol --
Friday, July 22, 2011
Diablo [Macro Flowers Saturday]
This is one interesting plant -- makes me think of a Buckminster Fuller 'whatchmacallit'-- [geodesic dome]. I apologize for not paying greater attention to getting a better depth of field; that would have given a 'knock your socks off' shot. Anyway, it grows in our side and front gardens, so I'll get it next year.
Friday, July 15, 2011
St. John's Wort [Macro Flowers Saturday]
I love these flowers with their dense growth of stamen. The bees are always busily flitting from one flower to the other -- sometimes making mowing around them an adventure.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Up, up, up and away [Sky Watch Friday]
The title of this may bring to mind [to people of my generation] the radio broadcasts of Superman -- be that as it may, it is fitting for a gas balloon rally. It's nice to look at this and remember that we get beautiful blue skies in upstate NY-- I am hopelessly behind in keeping up with the blogs of others; I apologize for not being more attentive, but cannot promise doing better ---lol-- Go USA Women's Soccer [aka Football]!!!!!!
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Rose [Macro Flowers Saturday]
My wife's rose bush continues to go through blooms -- I never tire of their beauty and fragrance [sort of like Rosemarie].
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Erie Canal at Schoen Place [Sky Watch Friday]
Schoen Place [irritatingly pronounced Shown Place] on the Erie Canal in Fairport, NY [a suburb of Rochester] boasts some lovely promenades, restaurants, shops and boat rides. From the bridge over the canal, one can catch some interesting moonrises. I regret having left this one prematurely, as the moon and light reflections against the darkening sky/water became more intense. The coloration on the building in the top panel was due to the last of the sunset [at our backs].
Monday, July 4, 2011
Spring Window [Today's Flowers]
Can it be that being named Rosemarie, my wife has a 'green thumb'? In any event, she manages to keep her geraniums flowering year-round. This view is through our dining room window, enhanced by the bloom of the magnolia tree. A winter shot will follow next week.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Patriotism and the 4th of July & The Letter F [Sunday Stills]
Well, here is a true two-fer. During our excursion to Sodus Point [about 30 mi. east of Rochester] today, I saw this wonderful porch bedecked with flags. Perfect, I can use it for the patriotic and/or letter F challenges --- Happy 4th of July all.
Friday, July 1, 2011
Daffodil [Macro Flowers Saturday]
This daffodil was not among the host that William Wordsworth saw, but it still could inspire a poem!
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Rochester's High Falls [Sky Watch Friday]
Right in the heart of downtown Rochester is a waterfall [ca. 80 feet high]; actually, there is a 2nd one further along the Genesee River. I had lived here more than 10 years and was unaware of its existence. My discovery of it is somewhat of an embarrassment. I was flying back from somewhere or other and, as we happened to pass over the downtown area, I looked down and saw the falls. I exclaimed,"Where has the plane been diverted to?" LOL-- my bad-- Anyway, it is a wonderful sight, albeit not Niagara Falls [which is about 1 1/2 hours away]. There is quite a bit here to see/enjoy in the Flower [nee Flour] City. So, come on down/up/over--
Monday, June 27, 2011
Friday, June 24, 2011
Dahlias [Macro-Flowers Saturday]
The excursion to the Flower Market continues to provide images for MFS. The dahlias really blew me away -- so lush, colorful and full. When I was about 8 or 9 years old, my sister had a friend named Dahlia [from Israel]. I never forgot that name -- Funny the way things in life connect.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Ford St. Bridge at Night [Sky Watch Friday]
This was taken during the same photo walk in which I got the Freddie-Sue Bridge night pic [scroll down several images]. I was in the right place at the right time, by design of course --- Both were taken with a Kodak Z1015 point & shoot camera.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Celosia [Today's Flowers]
Occasionally, the Rochester Farmers Market has a Sunday dedicated to flowers. Talk about kids in a candy store-- everywhere I looked there were splashes of bright colors, interesting shapes and wonderful scents. I shot away and, all too often, forgot to note what it was I photographed--lol-- in this case, I drove to a nursery tonight and looked around until I found the name: celosia. Never heard of it -- In the coming weeks, I will post additional images from that visit. It's going to take some self control not upload the whole kit-and-kaboodle now. Enjoy!
Friday, June 17, 2011
Lilies [Macro Flowers Saturday]
The Easter Lily [top] was shot under natural light in the Baltimore Conservatory; the [Stargazer?] Lily was somewhere around the house -- so much for scientific precision --lol--
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Freddie-Sue Bridge at Night [ Sky Watch Friday]
Now I realize it is something of a stretch to post a SWF pic with only a blck sky, but I promised last week to show the night view of this bridge, as a companion to the day time shot. The only down side to night shooting this was that the neighborhood was not necessarily the safest -- so, we went out in numbers. It was worth the risk--
Monday, June 13, 2011
Lilies of the Valley [Today's Flowers]

This little beauty has special significance for me -- my wife's bridal bouquet was comprised of Lilies of the Valley. In a way, they are sort of a metaphor for her. At first glance you are attracted by their obvious charm; then, when you look inside [not so easy to do], you discover their true beauty.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Yellow [Sunday Stills & Macro-Flowers Saturday]
This pic serves as a 'two-fer' in two different postings-- I did not really clean this macro up much -- getting lazy in my old age. For you animal lovers, I did no harm to the bee.
Friday, June 10, 2011
Freddie-Sue Bridge [Sky Watch Friday]
The Frederick Douglas-Susan B. Anthony Bridge over Rochester's Genesee River is a recent addition to our fair city's attractive sights. Affectionately dubbed the Freddie-Sue Bridge, it has become one of the most highly photographed structures in town, by day or night [stay tuned for my night shot next week]. I apologize for not 'photoshopping' out the log/branch in the foreground; it will get done eventually.
Monday, June 6, 2011
Dogwoods [Today's Flowers]
One doesn't often get so up-close-and-personal with a dogwood. I'm surprised myself by how nice the texture of the petals turned out. The raindrops were genuine--
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Backyard Ferns [Sunday Stills]
How nice to have a freebie in this 'pot luck' category this week. I wasn't sure how/if I'd find some rubric under which to justify posting this shot. But, these 'lowly' [literally on the ground] ferns in our backyard made such a fine subject for shooting -- a welcome change for me from the flowers.
Friday, June 3, 2011
Rosemarie's Rose [Macro Flowers Saturday]
This was one of the last on the rose bush of my wife [coincidentally named Rosemarie]. I couldn't resist it [or her] -- I stopped mowing and ran for my camera. Voila!
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Colgate Rochester Tower [Sky Watch Friday]
I realize there is not much sky for this SWF post, but there is enough to justify including it. The Colgate Rochester Divinity School has a marvelous (neo)Gothic tower that has always fascinated me. Unfortunately, it is up on a hill and photographing it is problematic; e.g., the best views are always ruined by poles, power lines, etc. BUT, as my wife and I were walking through Highland Park during the Lilac Festival, I just happened to notice the tower through a small opening in the trees. It is the only place in the park where there is a view of it. BINGO! Got the tower [albeit just a glimpse] and foliage.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Backyard Pansies [Today's Flowers]
My wife's back and front yard is like a mini-botanical garden. Here are two of the pansies growing there. I'll be posting other flowers of hers over time -- if you are patient enough to keep scrolling down, you'll come to the japanese anemones, rose of sharon and white rose, which were all from around the house. Since I've become interested/active in photographing them, why, I've had to learn their names -- lol.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
London Sky/Eye [Sky Watch Friday]
This is not the sky one would expect to see in London, but we lucked out -- 9 days of sunshine and 1 cloudy day-- so, this sky is not a product of 'photoshopping'. I shot this from Westminster Bridge [love the street lights] down the Thames to catch the London Eye. Blimey, all of a sudden I need some Fish-n-Chips.
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